Generally be pulled quite tight to get a good fixture, so this can be quite uncomfortable. This method of attaching hair extensions is often preferred due to the fact that there are no chemicals used. The hair extensions will need to be regularly checked for looseness, and re tighten as necessary.
Bonding – This method uses a chemical or glue to attach a hair extension to your hair, usually strand by strand. The extension is attached close to the scalp. Most extensions can be removed using a a remover to dissolve the glue.. Some times acetone is used.
Fusion – can be cold or warm fusion, link/lock fusion or fusion loops. This is where pretipped extension hair strands are coated with a chemical that “fuses” with your own hair when treated with an applicator gun. The extension can also be fixed using a l ring that is tightened around your hair strand and the extension strand to keep them attached. These are generally attached in a salon and may need to be tightened, if they become loose or removed(when finished with) by the stylist.
Clip-ons -the easiest to put in your hair and take out again. The extension can be clipped into your hair as close to the base as possible. Clip ons are usually made of cheaper quality hair and must be removed before washing hair.
Important things to think about attachment methods.
Are you looking for a permanent or temporary hair extension style. A permanent hair style change usually means a number of visits to your salon to get the human hair extensions properly attached and regular appointments to look care for them after wards. The human hair extensions will need to be looked after carefully to keep them looking healthy, this can mean less frequent hair washing using a good conditioning type shampoo. A temporary style change can often be put in at home, the hair extensions taken out when not needed and reused as required.