
What’s the difference between remy hair and non-remy hair extension?


Do you wonder why non-remy hair is less expensive then remy hair?

Non-remy is hair that does not have it’s roots aligned (Roots and tips not traveling in the same direction).

Since the cuticle runs in both directions it requires a higher concentration of acid. Eventually resulting in hair with very low moisture, leading to dry straw-like hair.

With NON-REMY the hair cuticles are stripped usually from over processing and the hair is thrown together which causes tangling. To mask this some manufactures use heavy silicone to make the hair appear shiny and healthy, but beware as soon as you wash it the silicone comes off and the hair mattes into a huge mess.  Some shops will go so far as to guarantee the hair UNTIL you wash it.

Remember, yes the investment is much lower however you will struggle with this hair after you wash it the first time. The hair will matte and look dull once the coating has worn off.

So what side are you on? REMY or NON-REMY

Visit one of our locations in Fresno and San Diego today and ask our hair addition experts about the REMY hair extensions, the only hair we carry!

See chart below, this will give you an idea of how long your hair should last.

REMY HAIR(9A And Best Quality)

Do you truly know what REMY hair really means?

The term “remy” is often translated into a different meaning than what it really stands for. It is often used in marketing and selling purposes that generally misleads the client into thinking they are getting the best grade of hair.

The 3 grades of hair most popular are European, Indian, and Chinese. These are the grades of hair. REMY just means the direction of the cuticle of the hair. Let’s look closer.

Remy is hair collected and sorted from various sources with the root and tip traveling in the same direction to ensure the cuticle does not tangle or matte.

The cuticles are not stripped and remain aligned in one direction.

I like to think of it as shingles on a roof, they all have to go the same direction.

Remy hair is more expensive and looks more natural due to the tedious process that the hair goes through to not damage the cuticle. Usually virgin hair or hair that has been minimally processed to protect the integrity of the hair has cuticle in tact.

REMY hair is a smoother, shinier, and healthier appearance than NON-REMY. This hair feels amazing even after multiple times being washed. Most of our clients can get a year or two of wear with REMY hair still looking great. The investment is great but well worth it.

What are hair extensions made of?

Hair extensions can be made with natural human hair or synthetic hair. We recommend opting for human hair extensions as they will look the most natural, you’ll be able to handle them exactly as you do your natural hair, and they’ll last much longer.

Real Human Hair Extensions

Pros: They can last up to a year or longer, can be heat styled, can be dyed, look natural, and can be washed just like your own hair.

Cons: Real human hair extensions are usually pricier and cost over $100, depending on the style.

Synthetic Hair Extensions

Pros: They are more affordable than natural human hair extensions and can start at around $50, depending on the style.

Cons: They don’t last as long as natural human hair extensions (1-3 months), cannot be heat styled or dyed without damage, and typically do not look as natural as real human hair. You cannot wash them.


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Our thinning hair solutions are designed to be customized to an array of hair loss patterns and hair