HOW OFTEN SHOULD I GET MY HAIR DONE?Tape in hair extensions

HOW OFTEN SHOULD I GET MY HAIR DONE?Tape in hair extensions

I’ve been getting this question quite often again so here’s a reminder 🙂

✨ Short Haircuts - Every 4-8 weeks
✨ Medium to Long Haircuts (dusting to keep ends healthy) - Every 6-12 weeks
✨Solid colour/roots - Every 4-8 weeks
✨ Highlights - Every 6-12 weeks (depending on amount of regrowth you’re comfortable with)
✨ To maintain or increase bright blonde highlights/balayage/retouch - Every 4-8 weeks
✨ To maintain dimensional ombré, balayage, or traditional colour - Every 8 weeks to 8 months: It all depends on the level of lightness, how similar it is to your natural colour, and what amount of regrowth you feel comfortable with!
✨ Tape in extensions - retabbed & reapplied every 8-12 weeks depending on hair growth
If you are not maintaining your cut or colour within the appropriate timeline, the time, product, & technique required is much more - leading to a longer & more expensive appointment! Regular appointments might be something you’d want to incorporate - don’t be afraid to make a plan with me on how often you should be in to maintain healthy & fresh hair!